The US Army Ordnance Museum

The US Army Ordnance Museum at the Aberdeen Proving Ground is a comprehensive museum of artillery, tanks, and armored vehicles. It is by far the world's foremost collaboration of military tanks.

The collection contains not only the historic and best of the American tank fleets, but also the best from Russian, German, British and French tank fleets as well.

Some of the key pieces in the tank display at the Ordnance Museum are the Renault, Grant, Sherman, and Leopard tanks.

The tanks are on display on immaculately tailored grounds. The outdoor collection consist of not only the tanks, but also armored vehicles and many other weapons. This is a definite place to stop if one is a tank and armored weqapon enthusiast. Panzers, Priest, Stalin and the Matilda tanks are all on display and in their fully restored glory. Since the tank part of the Museum is outside, it sets the ground for some stunning outdoor shots. The backdrop of trees and greenery makes any photo of any of these tanks stand out.

Presently the Ordnance Museum is missing some of their tank display. This is because it is in the process of relocating. Originally situated about 35 miles north of Baltimore, the decision has been made to relocate the Museum to Ft Lee, Virginia. Many of the tanks are still available for viewing, although more get moved daily. The task of relocation will take some time, and even with tanks removed from the 25 acre display field, this is still worth the trip.

The indoor symposium of weapons and artillery are still available for viewing. These items are scheduled for moving after the tanks have all been situated at their new location. While visitors and military personnal alike concedde that the crown jewels of the Museum are the tanks, the indoor display is no slouch. Those who are into military weaponry since the Revolutionary War will be greatly pleased with the choice to stop and see the collection.

The items in the collection are pieces that were tested and used to determine the validity of proposed ordnance products. The collection consists of Gattling guns, edged weapons, and even andguns. One can see the progression through the years with American military technology. There is also a large display of grenades, mines, and booby traps. These items will also show the evolution of military technology through the years.

The Ordnance Museum is well worth the stop. It is free of charge, although one will need a valid passport or drivers' license to obtain entry. It is situated on a Military base, and is moving to a Military base. Therefore, if one desires, they may even catch a lunch or dinner on the base. The Ordnance Museum is a hands on means to see our history now, and what it will be in the future.
tuesday, october 22. 2024 - (week 43)
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